Why I Bitcoin
The Bitcoin Whitepaper changed my life. I first stumbled upon it in 2020 during one of the many COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.
I instantly understood the revolutionary potential it contained within its nine pages and began restructuring my life around supporting it.
While I have been writing professionally on the broader crypto industry since September 2021, my writing has always led me back to Bitcoin. Exploring other crypto projects has only reinforced the underlying values of Bitcoin to me. I felt a need to start this newsletter focusing solely on Bitcoin because I began noticing a reluctance when describing other crypto projects. Bitcoin’s underlying architecture and consensus mechanism make it truly unique in the space. Bitcoin is simply different.
With full disclosure, this newsletter runs parallel to another newsletter I write titled Why I Crypto, which still explores other areas of the crypto industry. I don’t believe this to be a conflict. I consider myself a passionate bitcoiner who fully believes in a Bitcoin Standard. While some alternative crypto projects explore other utilities for blockchain technology, any that try to compete against Bitcoin will ultimately fall short. I will delve more into this in later articles.
I hope you join me